Wednesday 4 March 2009

Dying With Jade

Last night I saw this for the first time and was informed by my housefriend that the Goodymonster was due to die this week. This is of course very sad (so please extinguish the flaming torches) but I can't help but be a little put off by the mass mourning that is currently gripping our country. Memories of her clutching her depressing assets with one hand and her groin with the other, squeeling about the nation seeing 'er kebab have been washed away with a thousand glum OK photoshoots.

It was even mentioned in parliament, something along the lines of "our thoughts are with brave Jade". I turned the page of the newspaper in a vain attempt to see the rest of the comment, optimistically thinking that it went on "...and all the other brave people battling cancer, I would like to remind the nation of the importance of taking all available tests". But no, I think they opted to talk about expense accounts.

Will there be a state funeral? If so will husband Jack drop the coffin, hit the herse driver and be carted off in leg irons to the whistling tune of 'Some Mothers Do 'Ave Em'? Hope so, funerals can be so depressing.

[I would like to point out that I am honestly sad for her and do believe it is incredibly tragic, but then again I am sad for everyone with cancer. Even those that haven't been on telly]

1 comment:

  1. Yes - well said. A tragic death is just that regardless of who you are but the media circus that surrounds her demise... Sickening.

    What upsets me most though, is that people are actually buying the shit-rags that are peddaling this rubbish. And that she has made it to the front pages of decent, upstanding,non-tabloids.

