Friday, 23 October 2009

Give them enough least that's the theory

If you missed it last night, you really should go to the BBC website and watch Question Time featuring British National Prick, Nick Griffin. It was easily the most life-affirming bit of telly I've seen since I stopped watching 'The Secret Millionaire' for the sake of my tearducts life-expectancy. So, for that, I thank the Question Time audience.

Griffin manages to plumb whole new levels of odiousness, chuckling into his fleshbeard as he's reminded of his holocaust denial ("oh me, what am I Like, hur hur"). Yet, at times, you almost feel sorry for him. He just seems rather out of his depth. See, usually he’s either not standing alone on his hateful platform, or he is preaching to herds of mooing racist imbecilic homophobes that hang on his every word. He’s rarely found sitting alone in a room full of people that would rather just hang him (and his every word).

It was the way that to ‘prove’ his points, he would simply make up facts, surveys and opinion polls. When asked where he got this information from he would simply say “oh…it was in all the papers”. I’m not sure what is the worse possibility, that he was either woefully unprepared, or that he bases his entire party manifesto on stuff he reads whilst shoving bacon and eggs into his fat f***ing face and pulling his pud over Jan Moir’s Stephen Gately article (of which click here to read Charlie Brooker's critique).

Also, he's got funny eyes, like he's part-chameleon, and he's using his independently rotating eyes to keep watch for homosexuals lurking insidiously in the shadows, ready to leap out and bum his children.

He's probably brilliant at pub quizzes though.

"Team Blacksout, for the burning cross trophy, what is the German for 'My Struggle'?".

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