Clarkson suffered at the hands of a game of Russian roulette that went horribly wrong. Now we've all been at someone's house and they've suggested playing a game which you've really not wanted to play but you've gone along with it because you don't want to cause offence and have an awkward silence descend upon the room. But that's usually chirades, a game which rarely features the possibility of death because you failed to guess 'One Night in Paris' from your Dad's feeble attempts to mime an act of half-hearted fellatio. But this is Russian roulette. A game it should not be recommended to 'go along with'. Even if you're really polite.
Curiously Lana Clarkson was the sixth woman that Spector had played russian roulette with, the previous five had all been 'winners'. Do you think he understood the rules? As his playmates ran screaming into the night had he simply put the gun back in its box next to the Uno deck, completely oblivious that you're meant to spin the chamber? Probably. Five chambers down, Lana's chances weren't looking good. Bang went the gun, splat went her head, and a very VERY awkward silence fell upon the room.
It's not all bad news, things are looking pretty good for one of Spector's hairpieces. Following roles in 'Joey' and 'Will and Grace' where it performed the role of a tumbleweed blowing around the audience, it is now a CNN news anchor.

Every Cloud.
Whilst on the subject of music here and here are a couple of suitably respectful articles about the greatest rock band of all time. And no I am not reffering to U2, who aside from being utter hypocrits (they're all about the environment yet Bono forgot a hat so had it flown to him first class), couldn't be more over-rated if liking them entitled you to Spearmint Rhino vouchers.
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