"So" you say, "Madonna or Angelina?"
Well, assuming you're talking about a baby flinging contest (and you almost certainly are) then it would be pretty close but my money would rest on Angelina's bonce, since she has more ammunition. This news has clearly worried Madonna so she's decided to start stockpiling for the final clash of the succubi.
Well, assuming you're talking about a baby flinging contest (and you almost certainly are) then it would be pretty close but my money would rest on Angelina's bonce, since she has more ammunition. This news has clearly worried Madonna so she's decided to start stockpiling for the final clash of the succubi.
Until recently their stocks were as follows:
Angelina - 6
Madonna - 3
But now Madge (not to be confused with the tomb-voiced ex-wife of ex-Neighbour Harold Bishop) has finally been allowed to adopt little Mercy. Phew. This won't improve her odds of toddler-splat victory by much, but as Tesco is so keen to remind us, every little helps.
The main aspect of this news that I find a little disturbing is the line "Madonna spotted Mercy at an orphanage three years ago, but waited...[etc]".
The main aspect of this news that I find a little disturbing is the line "Madonna spotted Mercy at an orphanage three years ago, but waited...[etc]".
She waited.
Lurking in the shadows.
Biding her time, before driving her wagon into town whistling 'Kiddie Widdie Winkies' and sniffing the air unnervingly…

I suppose one should feel sorry for them. If only there were orphans/unwanted children available for adoption back home then these ladies wouldn't have to trot across the globe in order to increase their urchin armada. Mind you if they existed anywhere else they probably wouldn't resemble a Thorntons Comic Relief special edition, and who would want that?
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